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Image by Zoltan Tasi


What is Enough?

"I am enough. We don't see this anywhere. We're not told this, but we need to tell ourselves this, and once we start to tell ourselves this, maybe in time, we will begin to believe it."


"We all have imperfections, pimples, and scars, AND we also can feel enough as we are, NOW." - MindfulNikki

Introduction [00:00:03] Nuri introduces the podcast and welcomes the listeners.


Mindfulness practice [00:04:36] Mindful Nikki leads a mindfulness practice on the topic of feeling enough as we are.


Discussion on advertising and marketing [00:11:16] Mindful Nikki and Nuri discuss the impact of advertising and marketing on our sense of self-worth and how mindfulness can help us decondition the habit of constantly looking for what's missing or wrong.


Practicing Mindfulness [00:12:15] Mindful Nikki explains how practicing mindfulness can help us focus on the present moment and feel a sense of satisfaction.


Holiday Season and Sense of Self-Worth [00:13:15] Mindful Nikki and Nuri discuss how the holiday season can make us feel like we're not enough due to the pressure to acquire material things.


Finding Your Balance [00:17:09] Nuri shares how focusing on her accomplishments and having support from mentors helped her find her balance and feel like she is enough.


Am I Enough? [00:20:12] Mindful Nikki and Nuri discuss the common feeling of not being enough and how it can hinder personal growth.


Feeling Enough as You Are [00:23:45] Mindful Nikki shares her personal experience of feeling inadequate in her competitive tennis family and how it led her to focus on being okay with who she is.


Doubting Ourselves [00:25:54] Nuri reflects on her own experiences of doubting herself and feeling inadequate in relationships and extracurricular activities.


Discovering "enough" in high school [00:29:46] Mindful Nikki and Nuri discuss how high school experiences helped Nouriel discover her self-worth and the importance of choosing who you want to be around.


Mindfulness practice for feeling good enough [00:33:39] Mindful Nikki leads a mindfulness practice to help listeners feel okay with things as they are and discover a sense of satisfaction with what is.


Believing in "enough" and its impact on others [00:35:47] Mindful Nikki and Nuri discuss the power of believing in oneself and how it can affect the people around you. They also talk about the importance of leaving a positive resonance wherever you go.


Closing Remarks [00:37:56] Mindful Nikki and Nuri thank the listeners for tuning in and announce the next episode in two weeks.


Importance of First Answers [00:37:43] Mindful Nikki and Nuri discuss the value of spontaneous answers and how they can be the most insightful.


Message of the Episode [00:38:01] Mindful Nikki and Nuri summarize the main message of the episode, which is to recognize that we are enough and to turn inward for fulfillment.


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