Parent Pressure
"As parents, to really cultivate our sense of intuition, which is deep knowing, you know, and not just what you think, but how it feels in your heart, you know? And then to really be able to see clearly as to what your child really wants, who is your child?"
Teens are the most stressed out of any age group! Did you know this? My hope for this Podcast remains the same from its inception; to normalize what teens experience, and to create open-minded conversations that connect with teens, parents, teachers and all others who work with teens. Nuri and I explore in this episode her experiences with parent pressure, and I add in my experiences with parent pressure growing up and how it shaped and informed how I parent now. Plus we go into root causes of what can make parents put unnecessary pressure on their kids. Stay till’ the end, as I guide you through a few minutes of JustBE-ing, leaving you feeling more aware and clear.
Introduction [00:00:03] Nouriel and Nikki introduce the podcast and its purpose.
Parent Pressure [00:00:58] Nuri and Nikki discuss the pressure teenagers face from parents to succeed academically, athletically, and socially.
Mismatch of Expectations [00:02:28] Nuri and Nikki discuss the difficulties that arise when a teenager's goals do not align with their parents' expectations, and offer advice on how to handle the situation.
Parental Pressure [00:08:29] Nuri and Nikki discuss how parents can unknowingly put pressure on their children, creating a mismatch of expectations and causing pain and suffering.
Discovering Self [00:11:33] As a teenager, it can be difficult to honor oneself and live their truth while navigating cultural and familial norms. Learning to say no and create boundaries is important.
Letting Go of Expectations [00:16:34] Nuri and Nikki discuss how parental pressure can affect a child's decisions, even when they conflict with their own desires. They share personal experiences and offer advice on letting go of expectations.
Parental Pressure on College Decisions [00:17:41] Nikki shares her experience of deciding whether to push her daughter to row in college or allow her to pursue her own interests.
Personal Experience with Parental Pressure [00:20:19] Nikki discusses her own experience with parental pressure to play competitive tennis and how she chose a different path.
Importance of Intuition in Parenting [00:23:11] Nikki emphasizes the importance of cultivating intuition as a parent and getting to know one's child as they are, not as how we want them to be.
Mindful Breathing [00:25:53] Guided breathing exercise with mindfulness techniques.
Forgiving Parental Pressure [00:29:21] Discussion on parental pressure and the importance of forgiveness.
Closing Remarks [00:30:25] Closing remarks and information on where to find more resources.