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Image by Zoltan Tasi

PODCAST: MAY 9, 2021

Embrace One Another

"It is the kindred connection from a place of deep knowing that opens your spirit to the pain of another as they perceive it."

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mother’s listening. Today’s Podcast topic, “Embrace One Another” will get you thinking about how you can embrace other’s, especially with our variety of differences, and feel into what we all want at the most basic level—to be happy and not suffer.

Introduction [00:00:03] Nuri introduces the podcast and its purpose.


How they met and started the podcast [00:01:45] Mindful Nikki and Nuri share the story of how they met and started the podcast.


Embracing one another [00:06:26] Mindful Nikki and Nuri  discuss the importance of embracing one another, especially in light of current events, and introduce a guided mindfulness practice called "Just Like Me."


Radical Empathy [00:10:35] Mindful Nikki discuss empathy and the concept of radical empathy, which involves putting in the work to understand another's experience from their perspective.


Embracing Differences [00:12:01] Mindful Nikki discuss the importance of embracing differences and the idea of the human race, rather than different races.


Mindfulness Practice: Just Like Me [00:18:00] Mindful Nikki guide listeners through a mindfulness practice called "Just Like Me," which involves recognizing that every human being wants to be happy and not suffer.


Just Like Me Practice [00:19:21] Mindful Nikki guide listeners through a mindfulness practice called "Just Like Me" to help connect with others and embrace their common humanity.


Importance of Mindfulness Practices [00:21:23] Mindful Nikki discuss the importance of mindfulness practices and how they can help people connect with each other and drop assumptions.


Closing Remarks [00:22:32] Mindful Nikki thank listeners for tuning in and encourage them to embrace one another and unify as a whole human race. They also provide information about their private Facebook group and the music used in the podcast.


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