"Comparing kind of takes us away from stepping into our genius."
In this episode, Nurielle Auguste, the Teen Host of the podcast and I discuss how comparing manifests, and how our awareness can bring us back to ourselves, and our gifts. Theodore Roosevelt says, “Comparing is the thief of joy.” Listen to the full episode so you can learn how to safeguard your joy.
Introduction [00:00:03] Nuri introduces the "Just Be" podcast for teens by teens.
The topic of comparing [00:00:21] Mindful Nikki discuss the topic of comparing oneself to others and how it can affect one's self-esteem and happiness.
Mindfulness practice [00:02:36] Mindful Nikki offers a mindfulness practice to help redirect negative thought patterns and get in touch with oneself.
Choosing Joy [00:11:52] Mindful Nikki discuss the importance of choosing joy and gratitude over letting comparison steal it away.
Water Bowl Ritual [00:13:59] A mindfulness practice called the water bowl ritual is shared, which helps to strengthen gratitude and counteract negative thought patterns.
Accepting Yourself [00:19:18] Nikki discuss the struggle of accepting oneself in a world of social media and external pressures, and the importance of finding or creating a place where one feels accepted and loved.
Mary's journey to self-acceptance [00:20:14] Nuri shares her experience of feeling ugly due to the lack of representation of darker-skinned women in the media and how she learned to accept herself.
Being a minority in high school [00:22:07] Nuri discuss her experience of being a minority in high school and how the people around her made her feel comfortable and settled.
Stepping into our genius [00:27:26] Mindful Nikki offers a mindfulness practice to help listeners step into their genius and quotes Gloria Steinem on the importance of individual actions in creating a movement.
Choosing to Just Be [00:29:36] Mindful Nikki discuss the importance of choosing to turn negative thoughts around and just be, creating a non-judgmental safe space for oneself and others.
Join the Just Be Mindful Community [00:29:36] Listeners are invited to join the Just Be Mindful Community on Facebook to learn more about integrating mindfulness practices into everyday life.
Conclusion and Credits [00:31:16] Mindful Nikki concludes with a reminder to take time out to just be and credits for the music used in the podcast.