PODCAST: MAY 22, 2022
Calm Heart,
Calm Mind
"It's really not so important that you are spot on knowing these answers. It's the inquiry and the asking that helps us cultivate a deeper knowing."
Nuri and I (MindfulNikki) are excited about the new format for this Season, as each episode will be introducing you to an exclusive part of the JustBE Mindful App, called the “JustBE Mindful Map” for ages 16 and up. In each episode we will guide you through one JustBE Mindful Map practice which is a simple inner navigation system created to bring you more calm connected moments each day.
In this episode we cover…
What does a calm heart and mind feel like?â—‹
What are the content of my thoughts?
How does my heart feel?
How does my body feel?
Understanding how to communicate and listen within.
Introduction [00:00:14] Mindful Nikki and Nuri introduce themselves and the podcast, and set the intention for the "Just Be Mindful Map" practice.
Mindfulness Posture [00:01:34] Mindful Nikki and Nuri guide listeners through the first step of the practice, which is coming into a comfortable seated position and settling into a mindfulness posture.
Hand Jam [00:09:57] Mindful Nikki and Nuri introduce the finger tapping practice called the "hand jam" and guide listeners through it while reciting the intention of cultivating a calm heart and mind.
Just Be Mindful Map Practice [00:11:37] Mindful Nikki and Nuri guide listeners through a mindfulness practice called the "Just Be Mindful Map" with the intention of cultivating a calm heart and mind.
Positive Vibe [00:12:16] Mindful Nikki and Nuri express feeling a positive, calm vibe after completing the mindfulness practice together.
Closing Remarks [00:13:05] Mindful Nikki and Nuri encourage listeners to check out the Just Be Mindful app and remind them to take a moment each day to just be.