Shining a Light on Wounds, Healing, and Intention
I recently read a quote that said, “The wound is where the light comes in.” I like the ring of this quote, but it’s my experience that...

The Calm After the Storm
If I allow the tidal wave of emotions stored inside to rise and release, then something surprisingly calm comes after. I am amazed at how...

I am What I am
If you’re able to in this moment, close your eyes, and take a long deep relaxed inhale and exhale. As you take your next breath, and...

React or Not React?
You know that feeling of a storm brewing inside. Agitation is stirring. The breath is shallow. It may be for no obvious reason this...

Good bye Distractedness - Hello Presence
As my kids come into the car or home and I’m on the phone, an opportunity of presence is missed. Neither the person on the other end of...

Stillness my Long Lost Friend
A still lake is so pleasing to the eye. There’s a calm, effortless feeling of a still lake. When is the last time you were completely...

You never know the impact you have on others. How your words, actions, or silence ripples out into the world. This became apparent as I...

Slow Down
Texts, emails, facebook, facebook messenger, linkendin, twitter, blogs, instagram and more. Ahhhhhhh, just writing that tenses my neck! ...

Golden Silence
Driving is a great time to practice JustBEing with others in silence. Noticing when the urge to fill the space arises, and not jumping...

Let's Stand in the Rain
I was recently at my parent’s house, the house I was born in. It began to rain, and my father who is now 85 years old asked me if I’d...